Category Archives: Irish Identity

Choosing Cracking New English Words

The Oxford English Dictionary, the leading global reference for the English language, contains 600,000 words (and there are an additional 400,000 scientific and technical words and terms). The 400 million native English speakers only use a proportion of these of … Continue reading

Posted in Branding, Coaching, Communications, Humor, Irish Identity, Wordmaster | Leave a comment

The Legendary Jack O Lantern Halloween Folk Tale

Millions of people around the world have carved gruesome faces into hollowed out orange pumpkins lit from within. But do they know the real meaning of these Jack O Lanterns? Here with us this evening is seanchaí Seán O Riain, … Continue reading

Posted in Body Language, Folk Tale, Irish Events Paris, Irish Identity, Irish Pubs Paris, Personal Story, Public Speaking, Storyteller, Storytelling, Toastmasters | Leave a comment

Explore Irish Pubs in Paris

Irish pubs seem to be everywhere in Paris. Or so it might seem. When walking around the central Parisian streets a momentary glance at the buildings reveal some very Irish names to be surprisingly and remarkably familiar such as McBride, … Continue reading

Posted in Alumni, Irish Events Paris, Irish Identity, Irish Pubs Paris, Uncategorized | Leave a comment